National Generic Document Registration System(NGDRS)
Beneficiary Oriented Solution - State
Document Registation
Published By: NIC
The real purpose to register a deed is to secure every person dealing with any property against fraud and to maintain a public register. Records are maintained by the Sub Registry offices primarily for facilitating property transactions. In every land transaction, it is important to ascertain who is the registered owner of the property in question and what encumbrances, if any, are registered against it. To speed up this registration process and to provide accountability and transparency in administration Government of Tripura introduced “National Generic Document Registration System(NGDRS)” which has designed and developed by National Informatics Centre.
Project Details
Brief Background
Online Document Registration SystemBenefits
Implementation Methodology
NGDRS follows a Maker, Checker, Approver workflow. It has integration with eGRAS, eStamp, SMS Gateway, eMail Gateway, PAN verification etcImplementing Agency Details
Name of implement agency
National Informatics Centre, Tripura
Name of Representative of Agency
Representative Agency Email
Representative Agency Phone / Mobile
Availability of application for implementation in Other States
(Details on how this application can be made available to other State)