eCabinet meetings of State Government have three stages (1) Pre-meeting - Schedule, inform offices, collect Agenda
points, Finalize & put up to Cabinet for Approval (2) During Meeting - Recording Decisions are taken and (3) Post meeting -
Outcomes of the meeting including MoM, Action Points, Directions to offices etc. Conduct of Physical (manual) Cabinet
meetings is a Race Against Time, involving multiple interactions between several offices and efforts till the last minute.
Every meeting consumes huge resources of paper, fuel, manpower, time and efforts. It faces multiple challenges -
information is not available in the right form at right time, Collecting & storing information is not structured, lack of
Institutional memory over a time period. The eCabinet software of Department of Information Technology overcomes all
major challenges in the conduct of Physical meetings. With eCabinet, physical papers are replaced with electronic data &
the physical movement of documents between offices are replaced with a seamless electronic flow of information, in all
stages. The Knowledge repository of meetings is a dynamically built-in database, facilitating quick and easy search &
retrieval of decisions taken in meetings & review action taken on them. eCabinet leads to Good Governance. The eCabinet
was launched by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh in Feb 2022, with the above objectives.