Farmer Registration & Unified beneficiary InformaTion System(FRUITS)
Published By: SeMT
FRUITS (Farmer Registration & Unified Beneficiary InformaTion System FRUITS). FRUITS fecilitates registration of farmers who want to avail any benefit from the Government. In addition, details of benefits availed get recorded in FRUITS and thus, it becomes an inventory of farmers, land and benefits extended to them. Farmer Registration & Unified Beneficiary Information System is a unique IT solution for registration of farmers by all farming related departments. The FRUITS is a web-based software system with authenticated Database of a farmer/beneficiary where Data authenticity is ensured through following electronic integrations UIDAI -The software aims at one-time registration of farmers who wants to avail benefits from the government, so that farmers need not submit the documents repeatedly. The registration is based on Aadhaar with authentication with UIDAI. The software is integrated to ''Bhoomi'' the land data base of Karnataka for fetching and validating the land details and compares owners name with the Aadhaar name. Integrated with ATALJI JANASNEHI KENDRA (AJSK) of Revenue Department for Caste Certificate authentication.Integrated with Kutumba for family details and also deceased cases. Integrated with Weather data system for weather information. Integrated with Soil data base for soil related attributes. Integrated to DBT for making Aadhaar based payments through banks Integrated with crop survey to display the crop details of particular survey number. It has feature to update farmers' details.
Project Details
Brief Background
Karnataka state implements several schemes for the benefit of farmers. Farmers undertake different Agriculture and Agriculture related activities like growing Agriculture crops Horticulture crops Sericulture Dairy Poultry Fishery etc. Each of these activities requires specialized knowledge and experience. Therefore the state has established specialized and specific department to assist farmers in carrying out farming activities effectively and efficiently. While establishment of exclusive departments brings focused approach for development of each of these activities farmers need to approach different departments for availing any type of assistance and benefits. It is common practice that all the departments seek documents from the farmers for providing benefits under any scheme. To overcome shortcomings in the system there was a need to have farmer database with unique ID to each farmer and all relevant attributes attached to it. A holistic well organised and end-to-end unified farmer database avoids farmers from running pillar to post for availing benefits. Besides it helps the departments in deduplicating and avoiding ghost beneficiaries. DPAR (e Governance) Government of Karnataka through State National Informatics Centre (NIC) has developed a software application called FRUITS (Farmer Registration & Unified Beneficiary InformaTion System FRUITS). The application facilitates registration of farmers/persons who want to avail any benefit from the Government. In addition details of benefits availed get recorded in FRUITS and thus it becomes an inventory of farmers land and benefits extended to them. Farmer Registration & Unified Beneficiary Information System is a unique IT solution for registration of farmers by all farming related departments.Objective
To overcome these shortcomings in the system and to have farmer database with unique ID to each farmer with relevant attributes attached to it the State Government [DPAR (e Governance)] through NIC has developed a software application called FRUITS (Farmer Registration & Unified beneficiary InformaTion System FRUITS). The application facilitates registration of farmers/persons who desire to avail any benefit from the Government. Farmers having land and those who do not have agriculture lands but undertake farm related activities like dairy poultry apiculture fisheries etc. can be registered. Besides facility to register forest dwellers who are the beneficiaries of Forest Rights Act is also provided. The software aims at one time registration of farmers/individuals who wants to avail benefits from the government so that farmers need not submit the documents repeatedly.Benefits
FRUITS data is being used by all agriculture related departments for delivering benefits under various schemes like MSP of crops Milk Subsidy including PM Kisan benefits. FRUITS Application is also providing specific Crop Specific Advisory Services to the targeted Farmers along with forecasting the region/area specific diseases of the cattle and alerting the farmers through SMS service with the technical assistance from ICAR-NIVEDI Institution. Besides SMS will also be sent to the farmers having cows through animal husbandry and medical department about the vaccination programmes of the department. A mobile app is also developed for the registered farmers to access information of their land details crop details benefits received from various departments weather report from nearby weather station and three days forecast. Benefits to Farmers One-time registration for lifetime self registration enabled- facilitates updation requests also.Crops grown details as per crop survey.Check the status of NPCI Seeding and Aadhaar Demo authentication.Know the Weather and forecast information specific to farmers Grama Panchayat. Check the status of Direct Benefit Transfer based on Farmer Id and Aadhaar Number & Details of benefits availed. Benefits to Government Functionaries Authentic farmer information. Elimination of bogus and ghost beneficiaries. Helps in identifying most eligible beneficiaries. Identification of genuine Small and Marginal Farmers. Helps in comprehensive implementation of schemes. Availability of jurisdiction wise weather data and forecast for Government functionaries. Government will have better view of farmer which would help in extending benefits and services to most deserving faremrs in a efficient way.Implementation Methodology
The FRUITS has been developed in an incremental mode. Farmer ID (FID) made mandatory for availing benefits. Departments providing benefits to farmers were directed to register farmers in FRUITS. The farm related departments like Agriculture Horticulture Revenue Sericulture Animal Husbandry and veterinary Services Fisheries have been given login to register farmers with maker checker concept. Whenever any farmer approaches these department they are registered. The registration is once in life time and the registration done by one department is valid for all the departments. The crucial data is from source of truth through electronic integration like the identification is through Aadhaar authenticated through UIDAI land details from Bhoomi the digital land record system cast details from the revenue department. The FRUITS is integrated with Kutumba for family details and with birth and death registration system through Kutumba for identifying deceased persons and keep data updated. Registration is enabled in Grama One the citizen service centres of the state. Besides self-registration enabled with approval mechanism through officers. The farm related departemnts including Financial Institutions are provided with API and data is fetched from the FRUITS and used for distribution of benefits services and farm credit. FRUITS provides validated ready to use farmers information and validated crop information based on crop survey. FRUITS handles complexity of connecting to different data bases collecting data validating data. It has abibility to keep data updated. FRUITS also provides forward linkage to financial management system (K2/ Dept. bank A/c). Aadhaar used as financial address.Implementing Agency Details
Name of implement agency
Centre for e-Governance
Name of Representative of Agency
FRUITS Project Monitoring Unit
Representative Agency Email
Representative Agency Phone / Mobile
Availability of application for implementation in Other States
(Details on how this application can be made available to other State)
Many States have visited Karnataka to study FRUIT Project. MoA&FW, GoI is replicating the Farmer Registry in the entire Country