Bhoosaara (Soil Health)




Published By: SeMT

Mobile application to enable soil sample collection under Soil Health and Fertility Scheme. The mobile application generates and records the sample's unique ID after selecting Hissa, farmers name and FID is fetched (From FRUITS) for Soil sample collection. Location, pictures and analytical data will be shared with Farmer Registration and Unified beneficiary Information System (FRUITS) and the same data will be migrated to Soil Health Card portal, GoI. Capturing of location coordinates and Geo-tagging of departmental assets for Agriculture Department

Project Details

Brief Background

The mobile application aims to streamline soil sample collection under the Soil Health and Fertility Scheme. It will capture location coordinates and geo-tag departmental assets enabling efficient tracking and management. By selecting a Hissa the application will fetch the farmer s name and FID from the FRUITS database. It will then generate a unique ID for the soil sample and allow for the collection of relevant data including pictures. The collected data will be shared with FRUITS and subsequently migrated to the Soil Health Card portal of the Government of India providing valuable insights for improving agricultural practices.


To identify and map agriculture departmental assets and to spatially locate where the soil sample is collected. To integrate with FRUITS data base and GoI soil health card databases


Helps to accurately map Soil health data. Useful for providing farmer advisories for better management

Implementation Methodology

It will capture location coordinates and geo-tag departmental assets enabling efficient tracking and management of Farmers data

Technology Details

Technology Architecture

Additional Image

Contact Details

Dr. Rajesh N L, Director, Karnataka State Remote Sensing Applications Centre, DPAR (e-Governance)