The Economic Division implements the Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Scheme. The ENVIS serves as a single-stop web-enabled repository of comprehensive environmental information with collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of the same through a nationwide network of ENVIS Hubs (hosted by the Environment/ Forest Department of State Governments/ UT Administrations) and ENVIS Resource Partners (RPs) (hosted by environment related governmental and non-governmental organizations/institutes of professional excellence).
Project Details
Brief Background
The Economic Division implements the Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Scheme. The ENVIS serves as a single-stop web-enabled repository of comprehensive environmental information with collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of the same through a nationwide network of ENVIS Hubs (hosted by the Environment/ Forest Department of State Governments/ UT Administrations) and ENVIS Resource Partners (RPs) (hosted by environment related governmental and non-governmental organizations/institutes of professional excellence).
To strengthen ENVIS in disseminating information pertaining to environment and sustainable development, ENVIS India is in the process of establishing 67 ENVIS Hubs/RPs across the country, set up for providing scientific, technical and semi-technical information on various environmental issues. Following areas of work related to the revamped ENVIS Scheme are being implemented at present
acid rain - the precipitation of dilute solutions of strong mineral acids, formed by the mixing in the atmosphere of various industrial pollutants -- primarily sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides -- with naturally occurring oxygen and water vapor. aerosols - a suspension of small liquid or solid particles in gas. air pollution - toxic or radioactive gases or particulate matter introduced into the atmosphere, usually as a result of human activity.
Implementation Methodology
Implementing Agency Details
Name of implement agency
Name of Representative of Agency
Representative Agency Email
Representative Agency Phone / Mobile
Availability of application for implementation in Other States
(Details on how this application can be made available to other State)
Technology Details
Analytics details
Emerging Technologies
Hosting Sizing Details
Availability on Mobile
GitHub / OpenForge Link
Number of modules (features) and details of each module
Module Name
Modules Functional Details
Number of Use Cases
Use Case Name
Use Case Details
Additional information
What are the support you require to scale up this project for the same
Project Management
API development
Integrable with other legacy applications
To onboard partner ecosystem, both gov and private
Development on open standards
Technology Architecture
Contact Details
Sh. T.C. Nautiyal, IFS, Director Environment, Environment