Public Grievance Redressal System (PGRS)


Beneficiary Oriented Solution - State

Grievance Redressal System

Published By: SeMT

PGRS is the platform based on web technology which primarily aims to enable submission of grievances by the aggrieved citizens from anywhere and anytime to State Departments who scrutinize and take action for speedy and favorable redress of these grievances.

Project Details

Brief Background

PGRS is a web application developed by PSeGS, built on Punjab Enterprise Architecture (PunEA), integrated into the Connect Punjab portal ( Currently, various Punjab government departments and district officers are onboarded on the platform to resolve the grievances reported by the citizens. The platform is hosted at State Data Centre (SDC), is managed and maintained in-house at DGR&PG.


The objective of the Policy on Public Grievance Redressal 2020 initiative in the State of Punjab is to bring all the line Departments of Punjab State on a single unified platform. Punjab Grievance Redressal System (PGRS) developed by DGR&PG where they can keep track of citizen grievances on one click.


Citizens can submit their grievances to the concerned government departments using following channels:
  • Through Web Portal
  • Through m-Sewa app
  • Through Sewa Kendra – Visit Sewa Kendra
  • Through Call Center- Call unified state helpline no. 1100
Additionally, the system is also integrated with CPGRAMS.

Implementation Methodology


Implementing Agency Details

Name of implement agency

Punjab State eGovernance Society

Name of Representative of Agency

Vinesh Gautam

Representative Agency Email

Representative Agency Phone / Mobile

Technology Architecture

Additional Image

Contact Details

Sree Subhash Koganti, Senior Consultant (SeMT), Department of Governance Reforms and Public Grievances